lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Future Life

Hi classmates! Today I will talk about my ideal future life. I expect in five years I will finish my carreer (Anthropology) and I 'll be doing a magister of social anthropology in genre in europe (maybe france or spain , i'm not sure yet) and i will be thinking of making a PhD in something related with genre too( or I hope that). In relation with my personal life I hope , at that time, not be dependent of my father (at least in the economically aspect), so I wish to be independent as soon as I can , because I hate borrow money to my parents and I like earn my own money.
In the other hand I don't think I will be married yet. I also hope to be living outside the country for have more experience and conect me with more people who are interest in the same studying areas like me.
Well I thing that's all for now.
See you at next class!

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

The Best in Your Area

Today i'm going to talk about Mircea Eliade, but he's not an anthropology like we can understand with a definition of a dictionary. He's most a philosopher than an anthropologist.

Mircea Eliade is a romanian historian of religion and a fiction writer. He written a lot about myth , how to understand it and how it works in some cultures. I think his most important book is "myth of the eternal return". In this book he explain how time works cyclically , and where it had a wear time and how throught rites that mimics the original time (how things where in illo tempore) the time can be renewed.
To summerize, I think this is one of more important person in my area, because he analize myth , religion and how time operate in some tribal cultures.(or thats the work that i know about him at today so i can only talk about this subject and not another that he can talk in others books)