lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Future Life

Hi classmates! Today I will talk about my ideal future life. I expect in five years I will finish my carreer (Anthropology) and I 'll be doing a magister of social anthropology in genre in europe (maybe france or spain , i'm not sure yet) and i will be thinking of making a PhD in something related with genre too( or I hope that). In relation with my personal life I hope , at that time, not be dependent of my father (at least in the economically aspect), so I wish to be independent as soon as I can , because I hate borrow money to my parents and I like earn my own money.
In the other hand I don't think I will be married yet. I also hope to be living outside the country for have more experience and conect me with more people who are interest in the same studying areas like me.
Well I thing that's all for now.
See you at next class!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey, I think you should say future instead of futur.
    Thanks for your comments, see you!

  2. Alejandra,
    I hope all your projects and dreams come true soon.
    You have shown some improvement in this post, for example when you say things like: I will talk about / I expect in five years I will finish / I'm not sure yet /
    thinking of I wish to be independent as soon as I can / I don't think I will be married yet / I also hope to be living. Very good!
    (a) We say: ‘like/love/hate/have/need + something. Ex. I like pizza, We love coke, They need new experiences.
    But we say: ‘like to/ love to/hate to/have to / need to’ + verbs. Ex. I like to run, She loves to chat, Do you have to go now?
    (b) We say: ‘the same as’ and ‘different from’
    (c We say: a book about/on /related to (something) , a course on/about / related to (something), etc.
    Ex. An article about gender / an article on gender , a lecture related to religion religion / a lecture on religion.

    Here’s the corrected post:
    Hi classmates! Today I will talk about my ideal future life. I expect in five years I will finish my carreer (Anthropology) and I 'll be doing a magister ON Social Anthropology ON GENDER in europe (maybe France or Spain , I'm not sure yet) and i will be thinking of TAKing a PhD in something related with GENDER, too( or I hope that). In relation with my personal life I hope , at that time, I AM NOT dependent ON my father (at least in the economical(/) aspect/ECONOMICALLY SPEAKING), so I wish to be independent as soon as I can , because I hate borrowING money FROM my parents and I like TO earn my own money.
    ON the other hand I don't think I will be married yet. I also hope to be living outside the country SO AS TO / IN ORDER TO have more experience and GET IN TOUCH with more people who are interestED in the same study(/) areas AS me.
    Well I thinK that's all for now.
    See you next class!
