lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Transantiago: Before and After

Hi classmates!
I think I'm not authorized to talk before the transantiago began because I live in Santiago since 2008, so I don't know about the old system very much. But I can tell you about my experience in these two years with this public transport system.
If you ask me, my experience is very good, because going to the university I have to take only one bus, which leaves me one block away from the entrance of my university, and ( fortunately) the bus stop is near my home ( I have to walk only four blocks straight on down my street) so I don't have problems with this new public system. But I think it's safer and it's easier to have information as for example, what bus I have to take to go somewhere or what combination I have to do, because the webpage that they have is very clear.
But, of course it is not a perfect system, I think it's important to have more buses to decrease the waiting time, because there are people are not as lucky as I am and don't have to take two buses very early in the morning and they have to wait sometimes an hour to take the right bus because (specially at peak hours between 7 at 9 am) the buses can`t take the demand at these hours.
In summer, this new system works well for me, but it clearly has a lot of failures (furtunately all with solutions , but it requires time to make it work better than today)
Well that's all for today!
See you in class next monday!

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

A Country You Would like to Visit?

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about a country I would like to visit. I think, among all countries that I would like to know, at this moment I would like to go to Greece, specially Athens, because, since I was a little girl I loved Greek mythology so I always dream to go there and know about the places I had read about.
I don't know everythingabout Greece , actually I don't know anything at all, but I want to discover in this epic trip the secrets of a country that I only knew by books.
Despite, everything I say in paragraph before, I think (for me) Greece is not a country where I would like to live (or maybe in my trip I would change my opinion) for two reasons. First, because I don't speak Greek and I think it's a very difficult language. And secondly, because I love the rain, and as I know, Greece has a meditarrian climate, where it doesn't rain very much. So, if I had the chance to go it would be like a simple tourist who wants to know a little bit more about the stories that heard in history class at school and in its mythological books.
Well, I think that's all for now
See you at my next post!