lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Related to my career

Hi everyone!
Now I'm studyieng anthropology at the university of Chile. I'm in firth year. I'm studying this because I have the inquietude to know how other cultures construct his reality. Due the fact that a have an aunt who teach anthropology in this university I always have the information of it and sometimes I collaborate with her in some investigations.I think this discipline helps people ( and all society) to understand other people or society ror group and it helps to have a knowledge about the process in which they are involve and how to understand better the process that openned now not only in other society but in our too in the point of view of something so subjective, that could be the culture.
Anthropology will not need more thecniques that they have now , maybe there are not perfect, but they are very useful and ( in a pragmatic way) fullfils its function (now i think this , maybe when a progress in his study It likelly to change my opinion)
Now ,if you ask me which is my favourite subject , i most say ( at today) is philosophy of social science , because since i discover philosophy last year in bachillerato i love it, because it make me discover other ways to understand life , culture , religion etc...
That's all for today.
see you in class!

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

A photo I like

A photo I like Hi everybody! the topic of today is “A photograph that I like”. I have to say that i'm not a photolog fan because I don't like to share (something who are) very private as in the case of some photograph with people I don't know. On the other hand, I love to take photos ( specially with the camera of a friend of mine who has a nikon d40). But since today’s homework was to talk about a photo, well, I do it.If you ask me about one of my favorite photos , I have to say it's a photo who was taken by a French aunt named Christianne, who came to Chile with his husband and his brother to knew her chilean family and to make a short travel on a boat to the place who my great grand parents arrived from france in 1920 approximately. So this picture reminds me of the day when we went to this place called "la barra" who is in the rivermouth of the Rio Bueno in the limit of the tenth region with the new region of the rivers. In this picture we can see my mother and me with a coat on board of the boat looking at the rest of the house were my great grand parents arrive and were my grand mothers and their brother and sisters born and raised. It was a beautiful travel because there came all my grand mother's brothers , some of their children , some nieces and of course this french woman who came from very far from here to know(the place that they had Heard about since they were children.
Well, that's all for today!
See you soon!

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


The reality is , I don't have a career-related website yet , but last year when i was at bachillerato i had a favorite web site , it was , there were a lots of power point about (of course) biology, so it helps me very much when a do that course because it was very good explain the concepts and the power points had a lot of images so it was easy to memorize some biology process. I don't know why , but the link doesn't work now. I tried to enter it, but it says it don't exist any more.
In this few days the website what i use frequenly and who is related in some way wth my career its were I search where are the books i need for study.

Assigment 2 : " My Favorite piece of tech"

Hi classmates! Well I think my favorite piece of tech is the computer, but not notebooks because i think it's too hard to write numbers with their tiny keyboard. So I prefer stationary computers.

I got my computer in, if my memory doesn't fail me , 2003 , my father gave me one because like he says "it's a powerfull instrument to make research" ( in this time , in programs like encarta , "the machine to make homework", salvat encyclopedia) and is a very good instrument to write school homework and now university papers.

I use it every day to listen to and download music, be at day time with university, class, friends and family news with programs like messenger, gmail ( for exchange information or send works to other people) and skype. I love skype because you can talk with someone who is far ( in my case my family who are in Osorno) and see them , but more important for free.

I think my life without a computer would be very similar , maybe it could be better because i would spend less time sitting in front of the computer and i would have more time to talk with my brother , because in one sense , when you have a computer you are tranformed into a sort of slave of it because you have to be outstanding it all the time.