domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Good and bad points

Hello classmates!!
Today I'm going to talk about good and bad point of the last semester.

I think last semester was great, because I learned a lot of things, and a world of options was opens with my entry to this faculty. I learned to know new people and work with them. It's truth that it was a very hard semester and I had to study a lot, but all this efforts had paid off in all sences.

Also a start a "sport" in my free time, I'm learning flamenco, which is very great and where I also knew new people (even of other campus) of differents years of study and it was very fun the classes with all they.

The challenges that I had to face was the academic requirements that's very difficult when we start but with the time I get used to it, so now a I'm very happy and ready to face new challenges.

Well I think that's the summary of this first semester, I hope yours had been so great like mine.
See you in class!

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