lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

Improving your Faculty Facilities

Hello classmates!
Today I'm going to talk about the absence of somes facilities in my faculty.It's truth that not all is bad but always it can be somes improvements, specially if we want to open the comunnities to all kind of people.
For example, for handicap people it will be impossible to log into the faculty. First because the few access for handicap are not visible and secondly because the few that we have are hardly accessible.
Another thing, which is a problem (I supose for all student) is the scarse books that the library have. Sometimes we have to go to another faculty searching a book which are of our own careers. So is very frustrating go to YOUR library and not found a book of your carrer or if it exist there are only one copy of it. In the same issues, exist the problem that the days you can keep a book of another library, sometimes is too short.

About the infraestructure in my faculty, I think is not too bad, but , like I say previously it can always improve. In this topic, I think the ventilation of the classroom are not very good, because when you have a class with 60 persons and only two windows, it can be hard to follow what the teacher says if you are stifled in the room.

So, what would be my first steps to dealing with this situation? Say what I think in the spaces created for express student opinions and propose some solution for this problems. For example, for the problem to the access for handicaps we have to install more ramps and signage for all people know where there are. To improve the libraries problem, first I will buy more books and then install an egalitarian system of loan for all students. Finally, we most improve the ventilation system of rooms.

All this things, I think will improve the student life, making ease some aspects very important for a student like the case of the purchase of books and oxygen for our brains to paid attention in class.

Well, I think that's all for now.
See you soon!

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